ENTRE - Entreprenöskap


You will gain insight into entrepreneurship. Furthermore, you will learn how to make your business idea become a ready-to-use service or product on the market. When the course will be finished, you will be able to:

  1. Cleary understand and account for the motives behind and prerequisites for entrepreneurship
  2. Prove that you have gained basic knowledge about the different qualifications necessary to start a new business
  3. Account for and apply different financial models
  4. Sell you idea
  5. Evaluate your idea from a commercial perspective
  6. Account for the basics of copyright and agreements.


Entrepreneurship, start-up-phase, financial models, market and sales, copyright, operate and staff development projects.


The course will be arranged in cooperation with Stockholm University’s Business Manager, Managing Director for Stockholm University Holding AB and chairman of SU Innovation, Dr. Thomas Arctaedius. Thomas will share with you his experiences from the seven companies that he has set up.

It is an important task for “SU Innovation” to develop Stockholm University’s cooperation with the trade and industry, which includes supporting researchers who want to commercialize their research. “SU Innovation” assists also in creating strategic partnerships between Stockholm University and companies by actively convince companies to take advantage of and benefit from SU’s research.


Lectures will include relevant areas of entrepreneurship and will provide a basic understanding and a theoretical basis that can you can further develop.


A project will be accounted for by way of a seminar. You will learn how to present and sell a (your) business idea.


ENTRE (last edited 2011-04-10 23:24:06 by lenan)