Systems Theory and IT


Grundläggande nivå - First cycle course


60 hp Computer and Systems Sciences


The course deals with the basic characteristics of systems thinking. The purpose is to give students a theoretical and practical toolkit to handle complex issues regarding IT and organizations.

After completing the course, the student shall be able to: - define and exemplify basic concepts of systems theory - explain the characteristics and functions of a system by using a systemic approach - compare systems models and their diverse areas of application - describe the role of IT-systems and IT-management in organizations - describe and diagnose a real system by using systems theory


The course introduces the students to systems sciences, i.e., knowledge about systems. The term ’system’ is understood in a very general way, but in this course we focus on the intersection between information technology/organizations and systems sciences.

The course is concerned with descriptions and definitions of central terms in the area of systems theory. Systems behave and appear in different ways - and to be able to study, understand and design them, we need working concepts. Systems concepts and models are compared and exemplified. Holism, subsystems, processes, relations and environment are covered. Furthermore, we will discuss efficiency and effectiveness of a system, information management and control. In what ways the systems theory can be used in order to study IT-systems and IT-management are also covered.

SYST (last edited 2015-10-29 15:23:31 by